Hertford Vale

  1. Parent Info
  2. Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club

The school operates a Breakfast Club for any child in the school.  The children can have a range of food and drink that will set them up for the busy day ahead.  Alternatively, if you prefer to give your child breakfast at home they are still welcome to come along to the club.

The children engage in a range of art and craft activities throughout the year which are normally linked to the seasons, Christian festivals or a particular school project.  Games, art and toys are also part of the club so your child can socialise with other children before the start of the school day.

The breakfast club is available on a day to day basis and you only pay for sessions your child attends.  The cost is £3.50 per child per day with a discounted rate of £15 for the week. 

Feel free to ask at the office for more details about the club.