Hertford Vale

  1. Key Information
  2. SIAMS and R.E



Morning Prayer

Dear God,

Thank you for our school, 

for each other

and for this new day.

Help us to learn well, 

to respect each other,

and to live our school values.

In the name of Jesus Christ.





Lunch Time Prayer

For what we are about to receive,

May the Lord make us 

truly thankful,





End of School Prayer

God our Father,

I come to say, 

thank you for your love today

Thank you for my family

and all the friends you give to me.

Guard me in the dark of night

And in the morning send your light.


SIAMS Report (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools)

In June 2016 the children and staff at Hertford Vale C.E Primary School were delighted to be judged ‘Outstanding’ following a SIAMS inspection. A SIAMS inspection focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of the church school has on the children and young people who attend it. It is recognised that church schools will employ a variety of strategies and styles, which reflect their particular local context or church tradition in order to be distinctive and effective.

The principal objective of SIAMS inspection is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of the school as a church school.

Following the inspection, the lead inspector made the following comments :

Collective worship is joyous and intellectually challenging, leading to reflection and understanding. It makes a substantial contribution to children’s personal and spiritual development.’

‘Koinonia (Fellowship), Thankfulness, Compassion and Friendship are the Christian values that have sustained the excellence of provision at Hertford Vale and they inspire a vibrant, caring, happy and highly effective school community.’

‘Shared purpose, dedication to a school shaped by Christian values and a joy of working with children characterise the high quality of staff leadership and governors’ strength of commitment to excellence through distinctiveness as a church-school.’

If you would like to read the full report please follow the link below.

Hertford Vale SIAMS Report 2016

For more information about the inspection process you can visit The Church of England Website,

The Church of England Website